

For those of you who do not partake in the mighty and awesome wonder that is Shark Week, then not only am I jealous of the fact you can go to sleep before 2am because you aren’t nerdy enough to get sucked into the awesomeness, but you are missing out on a wonderful showcase of my homeland. If there’s one thing we got, it’s sharks. Lots and lots of Great White sharks. And yes, before you ask, I’ve seen a Great White, I know someone who’s been bitten by a Great White while surfing, and I continue to surf the Cape in light of that “attack.” Shit happens, aye? Can’t hate on an animal for doing what it’s intended to do just because you’re not the seal it was hoping for. Jy weet 'n blou hond se kont daarvan* the rules of the ocean , so, can't rightly get pissed at a shark for your invasion of his world and disobeyance of the rules, ay?

So, I’m sitting and watching Great Whites maul random things, listening to peoples attack tales, and the entire time I’m pining for South Af and getting more and more homesick. I’m saving up my vacation time for the inevitable moment Rachel gains another ten pounds and vows to kill my brother for getting her pregnant and am required to offer her sanctuary in my apartment, but mark my words, I will go back to South Af this year if I have to slap a jetpack onto Avery and ride his ass all the way there. I will say “Howzit?” and hear a “Ja, well, no fine” in response, and I won’t get looked at like a total idiot when someone asks me how I’m doing and I say “No fine” instead of “I’m fine.” Momma! I’m coming home!

*roughly translated means “You don’t know the rules of”


Brought to you by Mistress Empyrean at 8/01/2007 02:50:00 AM
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8 People Who Bitched:

Blogger Effortlessly Average said...

Followed many a link to arrive here, so you could say I'm lost in the blogosphere. But, now that I've found this, I've got to go back and read your previous posts so I'd just like to say thanks for throwing my work day into disarray. I mean, here I was just trying to kill a few minutes while waiting for the sycophant boss to get out of his meeting and now I'm going to have to spend the day with my fingers resting on the [alt][tab] keys so I can flash over to Excel if someone walks by. Damn the doorless cubicle!

Hey, let me ask you, do you do freelance artsy-type work?

August 1, 2007 at 7:57 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Shark Week rules. I'd love to be able to go to South Africa, float around face down in False Bay waiting for a Great White to swim up at me and then give it the finger right before I nimbly dodge it's huge jaws as they leave the water. It would totally happen just like that. Swear it.

I'm going to try out this "No fine" thing and see how people react to it.

August 1, 2007 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

The wife and I love Shark Week, and I'm especially happy to find Les Stroud and Mike Rowe all over it this year.

Now if we could only train the sharks to seek out and destroy those damn Columbians...

August 1, 2007 at 11:05 AM  
Blogger Erica Ann Putis said...

How long have you been here and do you ever plan on moving back?

August 1, 2007 at 11:06 AM  
Blogger Mistress Empyrean said...

Effortlessly Average: Hey, no blaming me. I'm just an enabler. Depends on what type of work it is, but yes I do freelance artist type work.

Ryan: I think you should have a "Free Willy" moment with a Great White. If you say "No fine" to a Afrikaner they'll know exactly what you mean!

Blog Portland: Shark Week is torture for me. I'm practically a zombie from getting 3 hours of sleep a night this week. Training sharks, hmmm. I'd train him to swallow me hole and shite me out.

Erica Ap: My family moved here when I was 14 and I wouldn't mind moving back but doubt I will.

August 1, 2007 at 2:49 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

At least you'll always have the fact that you're from somewhere cool... just imagine if your birthplace was Ohio...not.very.interesting.

August 2, 2007 at 4:52 PM  
Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I have seen women in high heels driving a manual transmission while putting on makeup.

I don’t understand why someone would want to place a four-foot spoiler on a Honda Accord.

A bartender friend of mine kept getting angry that people thought she was pregnant every time she wore one of those maternity looking blouses. She stopped wearing it after she caught on

I go home to South Louisiana and people tell me I talk funny. I remind them I speak proper English and others can understand me, unlike their beat up way of speaking.

Or hand your three year old a box!

The duck billed platypus is cool

Guys who think farting is cool in any type setting should get their ass glued shut.

Money cannot buy happiness but it does help.

So don’t ask you shark question?

August 5, 2007 at 11:28 AM  
Blogger twin said...

I caught most of Shark Week. Good stuff.

And....doesn't keep me out of the water. I figure...I'm more likely to get a semi up my ass on 26 than have the landlord pay a visit.

August 9, 2007 at 8:52 AM  

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