
Afoot, Afoul, Afloat, Denial.

Today is Alex's birthday! Sure, none of you care nor know who he is or anything about him, but think of me as a proud peacock with all my tail feathers showing because today I'm brimming with joy that my little boy is just a touch more grown up. Isn't he gorgeous?

3 weeks old

8 weeks old

1 year old

And, 'cause it's something to do:

The pen hit the paper with a leaky thud that was overshadowed by frantic drawing, and then the screams commenced.
“Backpacking across Europe!”
“Um! Um! Explore!”
The artist shook his head, circled the bottom left corner of the large page, and allowed the pen to thud and ooze a few times before he continuing to draw.
“Bus number 11.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You idiot, stand up and think about it.”
The artist, growing increasingly frustrated, circled something else on the page and looked at his team while the pen bled out on the page.
“Are those stickman supposed to be anatomically correct, ‘cause that dude is seriously lacking!”
A voice from across the room announces that 20 seconds remain.
“Draw something else you douche! No one knows what that is!”
Five seconds
“Your mom!”
Time is up.
The artist erupts “Afoot, you morons! Afoot!”
“You draw a dude with a tiny shlong and a hill, and we’re supposed to guess 'afoot?'”
The artist sighs, shakes his head, and sits down.

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Brought to you by Mistress Empyrean at 7/27/2007 09:28:00 AM
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10 People Who Bitched:

Blogger Jay said...

I've always had this secret fantasy in which I own a pack of wolves who will do my bidding at a moment's notice. It looks like you're well on your way to living that dream for me.

Also, I'll be down at the Brewfest (on the waterfront) tonight, pouring cold ones for all the local lushes. Bring Avery, come find me, and whatever I've got is on the house!

July 27, 2007 at 10:25 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Holy crap that's a wolf! A very handsome wolf even. How much would you charge to have him bite me during a full moon? Nothing major , just like a nice deep forearm wound so that ancient curse really gets in my bloodstream.

July 27, 2007 at 10:44 AM  
Blogger Erica Ann Putis said...

Oh my god... those baby pictures are so fucking cute. What a cute pup. :)

July 27, 2007 at 11:11 AM  
Blogger Mistress Empyrean said...

Blog Portland: I'm not sure I could handle another wolf pup, they are insane. They grow twice as fast as domestic dogs but maturity wise they are about 3 years behind, and their wolf traits come out the older they get. I'm all for dog training, but I feel like a sadist sometimes, although our Bernese Mountain Dog is a half year older than him and he helps mellow Alex out somehow.

Also, thanks for the invite. If i knew blogging came with free booze I'd have signed up right before my first year of college. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Avery will be game on account of having to be seen in public with my crippled ass.

Ryan: He's actually 3/4's wolf 1/4 white German Shepherd. What's this ancient curse you speak of? I'm sure I'm diseased with it, he's bitten me more than enough times.

Erica Ap: Thank you! He wasn't so darling when he'd take a chunk out of your arm when he was teething.

July 27, 2007 at 11:23 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

3/4s wolf? If he is driving around and the cops pull him over they are treatin him like he is 100 percent wolf.

July 28, 2007 at 8:46 PM  
Blogger Quinto Sol said...

I love the look of your blog... where did you find the template? Nice wolf-dog BTW.

July 30, 2007 at 12:17 PM  
Blogger Mistress Empyrean said...

Ryan: If he's driving around he best be filling up the tank with whoever's or whatever's blood.

Dangerdoll: Never played Pictionary, actually. I'm missing out on a lot of those great American classic games. Oh, and are you saying my baby is scary?!

July 30, 2007 at 3:08 PM  
Blogger Mistress Empyrean said...

Quinto Sol: I did the template, actually, so thank you!

July 30, 2007 at 3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not scary, just...attention-grabbing?

July 30, 2007 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Mistress Empyrean said...

He's a built in people deterrent, that's what I adore about him.

July 31, 2007 at 5:13 PM  

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